Squarespace Debuts Courses To Help Users Sell Content Online

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An image of the Squarespace Courses page, showing demo Squarespace courses webpages.
Source: Squarespace
  • Squarespace has introduced a new tool, Courses, designed to help users create and sell professional online courses through their website.
  • Courses templates are fully customizable and allow users to organize content into structured lessons and chapters.

In its mission to help users sell and find success online, Squarespace has recently launched Courses, a tool to help its members create and publish online courses. A new way for “entrepreneurs to turn their knowledge and expertise into income”, Courses sees the website builder diversifying the sales channels its users can access.

Courses has been designed to make the process of creating and publishing learning content simple. It offers designs that are typical of Squarespace’s premium modus operandi, as well as giving users a straightforward way to organize their content into lessons and chapters.

Each template is fully customizable, comes with a course progress tracker and supports high-quality video uploads. Courses comes with built-in commerce functionality, marketing tools, and analytics.

When it comes to selling your online courses, you can use a flexible fee structure. It’s possible to sell courses individually, or in a bundle. Alternatively, they can be combined into a package with other content. Users can sell their courses using a one-time charge, but you can also offer installments or recurring subscriptions.

Courses is available to Squarespace users on either a Business or Commerce plan. Alternatively, you can opt to purchase the brand-new Digital Products add-on, starting at $9 per month. This will unlock lower transaction fees and additional storage space, without the need to commit to a more expensive premium plan if you don’t want to.

We’re excited to see Squarespace leaning even further into its reputation as a builder that prioritizes creativity. Courses is sure to draw those users who want to share their skills online, but want to do so with a professional polish that some video platforms may lack.

Adding to what Squarespace calls its “growing toolkit for entrepreneurs”, Courses is an exciting new option for those looking to monetize their content and we’re sure there will be many out there keen to take advantage of this new offering.

More Information

Interested in starting your own online course? Check out our article, How Long Does it Take to Develop an Online Course.

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Once upon a time, my digital knowledge was virtually nonexistent – I couldn’t even hook a printer up to my laptop without a good helping of blush-inducing curses. Since then, I’ve worked hard to change that and, thanks to the team here at Website Builder Expert, I’ve learned a lot (who knew that hosting doesn’t just refer to handing out drinks at a summer BBQ?). Using my passion for words and my own experiences with website-building and digital marketing, I’m determined to help others like me get comfortable and take the internet by storm– without any stress or the need for profanities!

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